Build Failed!

11 Mar 2025 20:04:47 UTC
Unless all site previews are broken, this is a problem with the sphinx-nameko-theme package.
{'html_theme': 'nameko', 'html_theme_path': '[sphinx_nameko_theme.get_html_theme_path()]'}
======================================== stdout ========================================

======================================== stderr ========================================
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/runner/work/", line 4, in <module>
    from import main
  File "/home/runner/work/", line 18, in <module>
    from sphinx.application import Sphinx
  File "/home/runner/work/", line 18, in <module>
    from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, roles
  File "/home/runner/work/", line 77, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name 'universal' from 'docutils.transforms' (unknown location)